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Monday, November 26, 2012

DSC District wise Merit List 2012

Tags:DSC District wise Merit List 2012,District wise DSC marks plus TET marks final merit lists so important in DSC (District selection committee) Selections,Kadapa  DSC District wise Merit List 2012,Warangal DSC District wise Merit List 2012,Khammam DSC District wise Merit List 2012DSC 2012 recruitment schedule,DSC merit list 2012 schedule is announced as mentioned below, DSC 2012 Results will be announced on today and APDSC 2012 merit list District wise

DSC 2012 recruitment schedule:(Latest)

  • DSC 2012 Merit list publish on 26th November 2012
  • DSC 2012 Provisional list declare on 1st December 2012
  • Certificate verification is from -03-12-2012 to 05-012-2012
  • DSC 2012 final merit list on 15 December 2012
  • Appointment order will issue post wise on 16-12-2012 and 17-12-2012.
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Warangal DSC District wise Merit List 2012

Total 645 vacancies available in those, 164 School Assistants, 121 Language Pundits, 20 PET vacancies and 340 SGT vacancies aspirants can check warangal DSC District wise Merit List in

 Kadapa  DSC District wise Merit List 2012

Khammam DSC District wise Merit List 2012

Nalgonda. DSC District wise Merit List 2012

Andhra Pradesh District DEO website list for DSC merit lists:

In Adilabad district, total 1401 posts, 380 School Assistants, 179 Language pandits, 23 PET posts and 819 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Adilabad district DSC 2012 merit lists, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Adilabad DEO website: . DSC Merit list 2012.
In Karimnagar district, total 800 posts, 241 School Assistants, 81 Pandits, 27 Physical Education Teachers posts and 451 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Karimnagar district DSC 2012 merit lists, marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Karimnagar DEO website: .DSC Merit list 2012.
In Khammam district, total 544 posts, 151 School Assistants, 81 Language pandits and 312 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Khammam district DSC 2012 merit lists, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Khammam DEO website: .DSC Merit list 2012.
In Nizamabad district, total 1131 posts, 241 School Assistants, 142 L.Ps, 27 PET posts and 721 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Nizamabad district DSC 2012 merit lists, marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Nizamabad DEO website: www.nzbedn.orgDSC Merit list 2012.
In Medak district, total 1411 posts, 308 School Assistants, 148 Language pandits, 29 Physical Education Teachers posts and 926 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Medak district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Medak DEO website: www.deomedak.blogspot.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Mahabubnagar district, total 1862 posts highest in posts in DSC 2012, 472 School Assistants, 114 Pandits, 22 PET posts and 1254 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Mahabubnagar district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Mahabubnagar DEO website: www.deombnr-ap.webnode.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Warangal district, total 645 posts, 164 School Assistants, 121 L.Pandits, 20 P.E.T posts and 340 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Warangal district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Warangal DEO website: http://deowgl.blogspot.inDSC Merit list 2012.
In Nalgonda district, total 882 posts, 261 School Assistants, 96 Language pandits, 23 PET posts and 502 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Nalgonda district DSC 2012 merit list, marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Nalgonda DEO website: www.deonalgonda.blogspot.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Ranga Reddy district, total 1552 posts, 405 School Assistants, 94 Language pandits, 20 Physical Education Teachers posts and 1033 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Ranga Reddy district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Ranga Reddy DEO website: www.rrdeo.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Hyderabad district, total 833 posts, 202 School Assistants, 57 Language pandits, 28 PET posts and 541 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Hyderabad district DSC 2012 merit lists will place soon in Hyderabad DEO website: www.deohyderabad.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Anantapur district, total 1082 posts, 222 School Assistants, 117 Language pandits, 9 PET posts and 734 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Anantapur district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Anantapur DEO website: www.deoanantapur.blogspot.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Chittoor district, total 667 posts, 348 School Assistants, 46 Language pandits, 9 P.E.T posts and 264 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Chittoor district DSC 2012 merit list, marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Chittoor DEO website: www.deochittoor.orgDSC Merit list 2012.
In Kadapa district, total 263 posts only lowest in seema districts, 74 School Assistants, 41 Language pundits, 7 Physical Education Teachers posts and 141 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Kadapa district DSC 2012 merit list,Highest marks in subject wise and category wise merit list will place soon in Kadapa DEO website: DSC Merit list 2012..
In Kurnool district, total 766 posts, 254 School Assistants, 52 Language pandits, 11 PET posts and 449 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Kurnool district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks and category wise merit list will place soon in Kurnool DEO website: www.deokrnl13.blogspot.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Srikakulam district, total 671 posts, 316 School Assistants, 132 Pandits, 29 P.E.T posts and 194 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Srikakulam district DSC 2012 merit list Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit list will place soon in Srikakulam DEO website: Merit list 2012.
In Vizianagaram district, total 366 posts, 194 School Assistants, 73 Language pandits, 10 Physical Education Teachers posts and 89 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Vizianagaram district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks in subjects wise and category wise merit list will place soon in Vizianagaram DEO website: Merit list 2012.
In Visakhapatnam district, total 775 posts, 97 School Assistants, 58 Language pandits, 6 PET posts and 614 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Visakhapatnam district DSC 2012 merit lists will place soon in Visakhapatnam DEO website: or DSC Merit list 2012.
In East Godavari district, total 1474 posts, 487 School Assistants, 173 Language pandits, 28 P.E.T posts and 780 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. East Godavari district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit lists will place soon in East Godavari DEO website: Merit list 2012.
In West Godavari district, total 1170 posts, 291 School Assistants, 64 Language pandits and 815 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. West Godavari district DSC 2012 merit list,  Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit lists, will place soon in West Godavari DEO website: www.deowg.comDSC Merit list 2012.
In Krishna district, total 303 posts, 143 School Assistants, 23 Language pandits, 2 Physical Education Teachers posts and 135 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Krishna district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit lists will place soon in Krishna DEO website: www.deokrishna.orgDSC Merit list 2012.
In Guntur district, total 362 posts, 215 School Assistants, 19 L.Pandits, 15 PET posts and 115 SGT posts going to be fill in this DSC. Guntur district DSC 2012 merit lists, Highest marks in subjects wise and category wise merit list will place soon in Guntur DEO website: Merit list 2012.
In Prakasam district, total 180 lowest posts state in DSC, 87 School Assistants, only 6 Language pandits, 11 P.E.T posts and 82 Secondary grade Teachers posts going to be fill in this DSC. Prakasam district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit lists will place soon in Prakasam DEO website: www.deoprakasam.netDSC Merit list 2012.
In Nellore district, total 524 posts, 142 School Assistants, 81 Language pandits, 8 Physical Education Teachers posts and 293 S.G.T posts going to be fill in this DSC. Nellore district DSC 2012 merit list, Highest marks subjects wise and category wise merit lists will place soon in Nellore DEO website: Merit list 2012.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Junior Lecturers Syllabus of APPSC


Junior Lecturers Syllabus of APPSC

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Niccolò Machiavelli The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance.
Born: May 3, 1469, Florence
Died: June 21, 1527, Florence
Spouse: Marietta Corsini (m. 1502–1527)
Plays: The Mandrake
Children: Lodovico Machiavelli, Totto Machiavelli, Guido Machiavelli, More



The Prince

by Niccolò Machiavelli

Written c. 1505, published 1515

Translated by W. K. Marriott


Table of Contents

Chapter I How Many Kinds Of Principalities There Are, And By What Means They Are Acquired
Chapter II Concerning Hereditary Principalities
Chapter III Concerning Mixed Principalities
Chapter IV Why The Kingdom Of Darius, Conquered By Alexander, Did Not Rebel Against The Successors Of Alexander At His Death
Chapter V Concerning The Way To Govern Cities Or Principalities Which Lived Under Their Own Laws Before They Were Annexed
Chapter VI Concerning New Principalities Which Are Acquired By One's Own Arms And Ability
Chapter VII Concerning New Principalities Which Are Acquired Either By The Arms Of Others Or By Good Fortune

More Chapter Read 

Niccolò Machiavelli The Prince    Download.pdf

Aristotle's theory of slavery

Slavery -- natural or conventional?
 Aristole's theory of slavery is found in Book I, Chapters iii through vii of the Politics. and in Book VII of the Nicomachean Ethics  Aristotle raises the question of whether slavery is natural or conventional. He asserts that the former is the case. So, Aristotle's theory of slavery holds that some people are naturally slaves and others are naturally masters. Thus he says:      But is there any one thus intended by nature to be a slave, and for whom such a condition is expedient and right, or rather is not all slavery a violation of nature?      There is no difficulty in answering this question, on grounds both of reason and of fact. For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule.  This suggests that anyone who is ruled must be a slave, which does not seem at all right. Still, given that this is so he must state what characteristics a natural slave must have -- so that he or she can be recognized as such a being. Who is marked out for subjugation, and who for rule? This is where the concept of "barbarian" shows up in Aristotle's account. Aristotle says:      But among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves, because there is no natural ruler among them: they are a community of slaves, male and female. Wherefore the poets say,          It is meet that Hellenes should rule over barbarians;       as if they thought that the barbarian and the slave were by nature one.   So men rule naturally over women, and Greeks over barbarians! But what is it which makes a barbarian a slave? Here is what Aristotle says:      Where then there is such a difference as that between soul and body, or between men and animals (as in the case of those whose business is to use their body, and who can do nothing better), the lower sort are by nature slaves, and it is better for them as for all inferiors that they should be under the rule of a master. For he who can be, and therefore is, another's and he who participates in rational principle enough to apprehend, but not to have, such a principle, is a slave by nature. Whereas the lower animals cannot even apprehend a principle; they obey their instincts. And indeed the use made of slaves and of tame animals is not very different; for both with their bodies minister to the needs of life. Nature would like to distinguish between the bodies of freemen and slaves, making the one strong for servile labor, the other upright, and although useless for such services, useful for political life in the arts both of war and peace. But the opposite often happens--that some have the souls and others have the bodies of freemen. And doubtless if men differed from one another in the mere forms of their bodies as much as the statues of the Gods do from men, all would acknowledge that the inferior class should be slaves of the superior. And if this is true of the body, how much more just that a similar distinction should exist in the soul? but the beauty of the body is seen, whereas the beauty of the soul is not seen. It is clear, then, that some men are by nature free, and others slaves, and that for these latter slavery is both expedient and right.   So the theory is that natural slaves should have powerful bodies but be unable to rule themselves. Thus, they become very much like beasts of burden, except that unlike these beasts human slaves recognize that they need to be ruled. The trouble with this theory, as Aristotle quite explicitly states, is that the right kind of souls and bodies do not always go together! So, one could have the soul of a slave and the body of a freeman, and vice versa! Nonetheless, apparently because there are some in whom the body and soul are appropriate to natural slavery, that is a strong body and a weak soul, Aristotle holds that there are people who should naturally be slaves. It also seems that men naturally rule women and that bararians are naturally more servile than Greeks! This seems like an odd, indeed arbitrary, way for the virtues of the soul to be distributed! Las Casas deals with a similar problem in regard to the native peoples of the Americas. War and Slavery  One interesting feature of Aristotle's discussion which does not clearly come out in the great debate has to do with slavery and war. Aristotle, early in the Politics says:      But that those who take the opposite view [that is, who hold the view that slavery is not natural] have in a certain way right on their side, may be easily seen. For the words slavery and slave are used in two senses. There is a slave or slavery by law as well as by nature. The law of which I speak is a sort of convention-- the law by which whatever is taken in war is supposed to belong to the victors. But this right many jurists impeach, as they would an orator who brought forward an unconstitutional measure: they detest the notion that, because one man has the power of doing violence and is superior in brute strength, another shall be his slave and subject.   So, those who hold that slavery is both conventional and legitimate hold the doctrine that all prisoners of war can be legitimately enslaved. If you lose the battle and are captured, that is enough. Aristotle gives reasons for rejecting this view. One is that this means that might makes right. Many people find this doctrine really objectionable. (Plato in The Republic and other dialogues is one of these.) The doctrine that might makes right means that if you have the power, and so win the battle, however unjust your cause, the spoils are legitimately yours. In fact, contrary to most of our intuitions, this view says that wining makes your cause just! Saint Augustine held a view like this conventional view, but he had an answer to Aristotle's objection. Since God decided who would win the battle, victory in battle amounts to a divine decision! To be captured in battle and enslaved is a divine punishment for sin!  This connection between war and slavery is of some interest in the study of the period of the conquest of the Americas. For at this time Europeans were beginning to develop what has come to be know as just war theory. This theory holds that their are criteria for determining whether a war is just. So, you can lose but we can still recognize that your cause is just. Or you can win and we can still recognize that your cause is unjust. Courtney Campbell's essay "Dirt, Greed and Blood: Just War and the Colonization of the New World" explores the beginnings of this tradition in the Spanish writer Francisco de Vitoria. A later and important contributor to just war theory during the period we are studying was the Dutch Jurist Hugo Grotius.  This discussion of war and slavery in Aristotle will turn out to be quite interesting when we come to explore John Locke's theory of slavery in The Second Treatise of Civil Government Locke does not believe in natural slaves or in the conventional view that all prisoners of war can be legitimately enslaved. He is a just war theorist who explicitly rejects the doctrine that might makes right.
